What Happened to Moderation?

By Stephen C. Brewer

What Happened to Moderation?
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We live in a world of extremes in our politics and media. This lack of moderation is often displayed in our choice of health routines. "Experts" advocate dietary regimens in a mind-boggling array of vegetarian, gluten-free, dairy-free, and more unusual options, and we are bombarded by ads for medicines and dietary supplements. As a result, millions consume unregulated, untested products hoping for a magical cure. We also follow the latest trends in exercising. Extreme workouts are the rage, and fitness is no longer about getting healthy; it's more about being superhuman. As a veteran family medicine physician and the Medical Director at the Canyon Ranch Wellness Resorts in Tucson, Arizona, Dr. Stephen Brewer has a wealth of experience, and his aim is to challenge our thinking about what is best for our health. Whatever Happened to Moderation? makes the case that a healthy lifestyle does not need to be an arduous endeavor, and common-sense solutions to health problems are often the best approach. This is a welcome guide for good living that's suitable for men and women of all ages.

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