While the benefits of Person-Centered Care (PCC) to both caregivers and care-receivers are significant, development and implementation can be undermined by unsupportive or absent documentation. A timely response to emerging needs in long-term care, this innovative and practical toolkit provides expert guidance as well as specific policy and workforce documents that assist healthcare professionals to advance and sustain a PCC philosophy in their care community.
Person-Centered Care: A Policies & Workforce Toolkit for Long-Term Care Settings delivers an overview of PCC, educates organizational stakeholders on core concepts, presents policies and procedures in the advancement of PCC, and describes the essential function of job descriptions as related to recruitment, new team member selection, orientation, supervision and performance management.
Written by leading experts in the field, Person-Centered Care: A Policies & Workforce Toolkit for Long-Term Care Settings is an invaluable resource for any long-term care provider seeking to reach their goals of implementing and sustaining person-centered care.