Dos and Donts in Hong Kong

By Mary Leong, Colin Storey

Dos and Donts in Hong Kong
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Hong Kong natives are fascinating -- they talk constantly, use extravagant hand gestures and love to eat a cuisine that may be the best in the world. Behind the high rise living, Armani suits, financial acumen and sophisticated nightlife, the traditions of the Cantonese grandma and corner shop herbalist pulse through the veins of every resident. The visitor to wonderful Hong Kong soon learns that with one foot planted in the west and the other in the orient, understanding Hong Kongers and their ways, is not an easy task. To ensure that you, the foreign resident, fleeting visitor or armchair traveler, enjoy your stay in Hong Kong, the authors of this much-needed travel guide present a light-hearted but practical guide to the of this dynamic city. DON'T stand there like a lemon holding open the elevator doors while everybody marches past you. DO spit the chicken bones and other detritus of culinary ecstasy onto the table: everybody else does. And DO remember that once accepted into a circle of Hong Kong friends, you are there for life with all the responsibilities that go with it. DO believe this -- your Hong Kong colleagues are likely to tell you that your new hairdo makes you look like a Korean! DO understand that, as boss of your company, your employees expect you to take care of them as a father does his children. DON'T laugh when you learn that Hong Kongers drink dried seahorse and deer antler soup for breakfast. DON'T get upset when you realize the bus drivers routinely curse passengers and sing opera as they hurtle through crowded streets! Want to know more? Then DO buy this book!

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