Ordinary life is suddenly shattered for an Alaskan family as a trip to a clinic reveals that nine-year-old Toby Wood doesn't have the flu but a form of childhood cancer called Acute Lyphoblastic Leukemia. After 31 months of standard medical treatment, including chemotherapy, Toby and his family are introduced to the world of alternative healing. The race against time quickly becomes a high-powered, spiritual journey: finding a cure for Toby.
Embracing the spirit of the warrior in all its attributes of courage, compassion, discipline, intelligence and self-knowledge, Toby faces some of the biggest challenges of our time: cancer, healing and the medical establishment.
Toby helps to pioneer the holistic health movement as he teaches healers how to heal and medical doctors that there are many non-toxic remedies more effective than drugs. Toby's story demonstrates the power of prayer to produce physical results and that all things are possible to those who believe. Anyone who has ever heard the "still small voice within" will find resonance in Toby's story. If you or a loved one have a terminal illness, are battling any physical condition, or are seeking a cure beyond the medical paradigm, this book will put a song of hope in your heart.