1.1 Historical back ground :
1.1.1 Development of Indian Mathematics
Ancient and Early Classical Period (till 500 CE)
1.1.2 A brief biography of Bhasharacharya
(with special reference to Lilavati) and Madhava
1.2 Successive differentiation
1.2.1 Leibnitz theorem
1.2.2 Maclaurin’s series expansion
1.2.3 Taylor’s series expansion
1.3 Partial Differentiation
1.3.1 Partial derivatives of higher order
1.3.2 Euler’s theorem on homogeneous functions
1.4 Asymptotes
1.4.1 Asymptotes of algebraic curves
1.4.2 Condition for Existence of Asymptotes
1.4.3 Parallel Asymptotes
1.4.4 Asymptotes of polar curves
2.1 Curvature
2.1.1 Formula for radius of Curvature
2.1.2 Curvature at origin
2.1.3 Centre of Curvature
2.2 Concavity and Convexity
2.2.1 Concavity and Convexity of curves
2.2.2 Point of Inflexion
2.2.3 Singular point
2.2.4 Multiple points
2.3 Tracing of curves
2.3.1 Curves represented by Cartesian equation
2.3.2 Curves represented by Polar equation
3.1 Integration of transeendental functions
3.2 Introduction to Double and Triple Integral
3.3 Reduction formulae
3.4 Quadrature
3.4.1 For Cartesian coordinates
3.4.2 For Polar coordinates
3.5 Rectification
3.5.1 For Cartesian coordinates
3.5.2 For Polar coordinates
4.1 Linear differential equations
4.1.1 Linear equation
4.1.2 Equations reducible to the linear form
4.1.3 Change of variables
4.2 Exact differential equations
4.3 First order and higher degree differential equations
4.3.1 Equations solvable for x, y and p
4.3.2 Equations homogenous in x and y
4.3.3 Clairaut’s equation
4.3.4 Singular solutions
4.3.5 Geometrical meaning of differential equations
4.3.6 Orthogonal trajectories
5.1 Linear differential equation with constant coefficients
5.2 Homogeneous linear ordinary differential equations
5.3 Linear differential equations of second order
5.4 Transformation of equations by changing the dependent independent variable
5.5 Method of variation of parameters