
By Ronald J. Clarke, Jokie Bakker

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The commercial importance of wine continues to increase across theglobe, with the availability of many new wines, encompassing aremarkable and exciting range of flavours. Wine Flavour Chemistryfocuses on aspects of wine making procedures that are important inthe development of flavour, describing some of the grapes used andtheir resulting wines. In-depth descriptions of flavour reactionpathways are given, together with cutting-edge scientificinformation concerning flavour release, its associated chemistryand physics, and the sensory perception of volatile flavours.

Wine Flavour Chemistry contains a vast wealth of informationdescribing components of wine, their underlying chemistry and theirpossible role in the taste and smell characteristics of wines,fortified wines, sherry and port. Many extremely useful tables areincluded, linking information on grapes, wines, composition andresulting perceived flavours.

Wine Flavour Chemistry is essential reading for all those involvedin commercial wine making, be it in production, trade or research.The book will be of great use and interest to all enologists, andto food and beverage scientists and technologists in commercialcompanies and within the academic sector. Upper level students andteachers on enology courses will need to read this book. Alllibraries in universities and research establishments where foodand beverage science and technology, and chemistry are studied andtaught, should have multiple copies of this important book.

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