‘Do you know your diphthongs from your digraphs? Are you au fait with all the main reading programmes published in the UK? And can you really tell the difference between a legend, a myth and a fable? If you have any doubt about saying yes to any of these questions, fear not; the answers are all in ‘The Primary English Encyclopedia’. This fantastic resource contains such a comprehensive coverage of literacy topics that it will undoubtedly become one of the most regularly consulted titles on your bookshelf’ - Literacy Time Plus
This user friendly encyclopedia explains concepts, aims and current requirements in all aspects of the primary English curriculum and is an invaluable reference for all training and practising teachers. Now in its fourth edition, entries have been updated to take account of new research and thinking and now reflect the requirements of the new Primary National Curriculum and particularly The Communication, Language and Literacy Development element. The approach is critical but constructive and supportive of the reflective practitioner in developing sound subject knowledge and good classroom practice. The encyclopedia includes:
This encyclopedia will be ideal for student teachers on BA and PGCE courses preparing for work in primary schools and primary school teachers.