Life with Laura

By Liz Yates

Life with Laura
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'Life with Laura'....well, what can I say? Who hasn't had a lively, mischievous daughter? But mine was hell-bent from day one to stamp her mark and wreak havoc on our world wherever she went. She constantly embarrassed us in public with her extrovert behaviour playing to the masses and wrecked shops causing chaos and leaving turmoil in her wake. Everyone said she could make a pig laugh with her antics.

This compelling biography is large in content, has 35 captivating 'caught in action' photos and is based on my diaries, pictures and videos. It is driven by my love and fuelled by humour, my own emotions and by interactions with family and friends, and depicts two parents trying desperately to cope.

'Life with Laura' - enjoy the ride!

'We enter Superdrug and I pause momentarily in a small bay by the door to check my list. Big mistake! Laura leans forward from her buggy and pulls on a three-sided, picture-frame style moulding on the wall that displays an advertisement. Oh my, she is demolishing it... and I am on the wrong side to stop her. It is about 3' long with two 18" side struts. She struggles to hold the frame up above her head then bangs one side onto the floor...CRASH!! I am rooted to the spot. All goes deathly quiet and in a loud and clear voice of authority Laura turns round and tells everyone.

"It's broken to pieces!" Horrified I take the rest off her and intend to place the two remaining joined pieces on the floor. No such crashes down...oops! The manager appears scowling and I limply hand him the last bit.

"Sorry it's not childproof" is all I can say in her defence. Laura's captive audience is spell-bound. I hear some giggling..........'