In order for Codex Alimentarius Members to share information on the results of Genetically Modified (GM) food safety assessments, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) maintains an online database entitled “FAO GM Foods Platform”. Upon requests from several Members, a global community meeting of the FAO GM Foods Platform was organized from 10 to 13 September 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand. Ninety-nine people from 73 different Platform community members participated in the meeting. This report describes the key points of discussions that took place during the three and a half days of the meeting; these include, but are not limited to, clear benefits of data sharing, and good practices in the process of sharing and utilizing the shared data. While the main purpose of the Platform is to simply share the relevant official data globally, the community of the Platform was recognized as a great value, providing an opportunity for all focal points of the Platform to be able to directly communicate and learn from each other on technical issues around GM food safety assessments, and more importantly, to develop mutual trust among the community members from different countries. The Platform itself has become a model for an effective community of practice, resulting in many collaborative and successful joint activities, including bilateral and multilateral capacity development actions. At the end of the meeting, participants had the opportunity to network through the World Café to identify concrete steps for follow-up actions at the national and regional level.