Forget-me-nots are delicate blue cluster spring flowers used as a symbol of remembrance, true love and devotion. It is said that according to a Greek myth, Zeus thought he had given all the plants are name, whereupon a small blue flower shouted “forget-me-not!”.
The name comes from the Ancient Greek μυοσωτίς "mouse's ear", which the foliage is thought to resemble. In the Northern Hemisphere, they are colloquially known as forget-me-nots or scorpion grasses.
In this poetry book, The concept was to create a number of poems that are centered around stories of love and loss. The poems are somewhat melancholic, and reflects the state of heartbreak and the excruciating pain of being in love.
There are over 150 Illustrations, text art and collage photographs included in this book which are scattered sparingly throughout its pages. A cohesive theme was designed in this poetry book in hopes of creating a body of work that really tries to embody the state of one's heart and soul when in deep connection with others.