World Full of Women, a Plus MySearchLab with Pearson EText --Access Card Package

By Martha Ward, Monica Edelstein

World Full of Women, a Plus MySearchLab with Pearson EText --Access Card Package
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Takes a cross-cultural approach to the study of women


A World Full of Women, 6/e, combines descriptive ethnography, gender theory, and international statistics to present a comprehensive picture of the lives of women. Readers will better comprehend and contextualize women's issues and experiences in today's world. This title explores the diversity of women's lives from class to culture, with examples ranging from women's work to marriage patterns, health issues, violence against women, and grassroots organizing.


MySearchLab is a part of the Ward/Edelstein program. Research and writing tools, including access to academic journals, help students further explore the study of women. To provide students with flexibility, students can download the eText to a tablet using the free Pearson eText app.


0205957625 / 9780205957620 World Full of Women, A Plus MySearchLab with Pearson eText --Access Card Package

Package consists of:   

0205239927 / 9780205239924 MySearchLab with Pearson eText -- Valuepack Access Card

0205872808 / 9780205872800 World Full of Women, A

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