At the Fisher and Hibbard Real Estate and Country House Agency, Wynne Landon had aspirited interview with their Mr. Fisher, and finally induced that somewhat unwillinggentleman to advertise for a haunted house."It's a purely business matter," Landon argued, "and if you're any sort of a live agency youought to do your best to get for your clients any such peculiar domiciles as they maydesire.""I understand that," patiently explained Mr. Fisher, "but it's such a crazy thing to do. Howwould a dignified firm like ours look advertising for a house warranted haunted?""Don't use your own firm name, then. Have answers sent to a fictitious address. Oh, you canmanage it, Fisher. I don't mean you can surely get one, but you can manage to try. And if thehouse is pleasant and attractive, it doesn't matter, between you and me, if there isn't anyghost, after all. But I want a bona fide story. I mean, I don't want a house that the ownerpretends is haunted, just so he can rent it. It must be a well-known legend or ghost storyconnected with the place.""There are plenty of such," and Fisher laughed. "I've struck them occasionally, and becauseof that well-authenticated story, known to all the neighbours, I couldn't rent them. To haveone asked for is a new experience here.""Well, I've told you the whole state of the case. You see why we want it, and though theghost part is the primary factor with some of us, my wife and I care more about a pleasantsetting for a month's house party."Landon's personality went far toward gaining his end, and Mr. Fisher promised to do whathe could. As a lawyer of fine standing, and a man of ample means, Wynne Landon was adesirable man to please, and the order was taken.And when, a few weeks later, word came that a possible opportunity had offered, Landontelephoned for Braye to go with him, and they went to investigate it at once.
Book Details
- Country: US
- Published: 2020-11-05
- Publisher: Independently Published
- Language: English
- Pages: 180
- Available Formats:
- Reading Modes: