In this guide, I've gathered over 700 English idioms and phrases that touch on the emotions, feelings, and dreams linked to death and the harsh realities of war and conflict. My goal is to let you, the reader, see for yourself the widespread and deep-rooted presence of death-related imagery in our culture and society.
It's a truth that everyone's journey ends in death, but it's equally important to remember that we are all living right now. Through this work, I aim to shift the focus from death to life for all these expressions (sometimes offering more than one way to see an idiom or phrase differently). This way, I show numerous paths to view life instead of death, peace instead of war, friendship instead of conflict, and hope instead of despair.
This book is priced at an affordable price point to enable widest availability.
If this collection of emotional transformations can save even one life or bring happiness to a single person, it will fill me also with hope and happiness, knowing I've made a difference as the author.