Spiritual capital is a concept that is being embraced by a range of theorists in response to the great destruction being wrought by the global economic crisis. Spiritual Capital seeks to re-focus discussion on core social values, on individuals' value systems and the internal dynamics that impel human beings to live by truth, goodness and love. Genuine social capital requires the cultivation of spiritual capital. While some scholars approach spiritual capital from the perspective of the beneficial social influence of religious belief and practice, others approach it more broadly as the value of transcendent or artistic human activities which foster contemplative living, stimulate creativity, encourage moral behaviour, and motivate individuals.
This book defines, refines and disseminates the concept of spiritual capital. Contributions by practitioner-scholars in applied spirituality who have practical experience of spiritual capital at work in diverse human situations, provide accounts of concrete expressions of spiritual capital and create an interdisciplinary discussion between spirituality practitioners, artists, ecologists, sociologists and others on the frontiers of change in contemporary culture.