It's Getting Better All the Time

By Stephen Moore, Julian Lincoln Simon

It's Getting Better All the Time
Available for 22.47 USD
"It's Getting Better All the Time: 100 Greatest Trends of the Last 100 Years provides a much needed antidote to the negativism we usually read and hear." "This research study documents how almost every indicator of health, environmental quality, safety, welfare, and social conditions reveals great progress over the past 100 years. A few observations include the following: accidental deaths have dropped by 61 percent despite all the additional cars and airplanes and the millions of people using them; the workweek is 30 percent shorter; four times as many adults are getting their high school degrees and six times as many women have earned bachelor's degrees; manufacturing wages are four times higher; household assets are seven times greater; and air pollution emissions fell by at least 50 percent relative to economic output." "This book boldly shatters the myth that the world's best days are behind it. "There has been more improvement in the human condition in the past 100 years than in all previous centuries combined since man first appeared on the earth," write the authors. "This is the best time on earth to have ever lived." And it's getting better all the time." --Book Jacket.
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