Treating the Changing Family

By Michele Harway

Treating the Changing Family
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The past quarter century has been a time of historic social and cultural upheaval, and nowhere is that more evident than in the changing face of the family. In an effort to keep pace with the many challenges that confront the modern family in all its varied new forms, this groundbreaking book offers a broad-ranging, carefully integrated review of contemporary trends in family therapy, research, and practice. In Treating the Changing Family, nearly twenty-five distinguished experts from across North America, including psychologists, marriage and family therapists, social workers, and others, reexamine the family and the many contemporary challenges to its function, and provide practical advice for therapists who treat troubled families.

Comprehensive in scope, Treating the Changing Family deals with the full array of non-normative events confronting today's family, including violence and abuse, addiction, long-term and chronic illness (with a special chapter on AIDS in the family), divorce, adoption, trauma, ethnicity, and others. It explores the impact these factors can have on family function and provides intervention strategies and techniques that have proven successful in the treatment of families affected by them.

Receiving special attention are the structure, dynamics, and unique problems of families that do not fit the traditional mold. Experts in these areas share their findings and provide clinical guidelines for treating bi-nuclear, single-parent, gay and lesbian, and other nontraditional families. Offering the combined knowledge and expertise of some of the nation's foremost researchers and practitioners in their fields, Treating the Changing Family: Handling Normative and Unusual Events is a valuable resource for couples and family therapists, counselors, clinical psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, and all mental health professionals who treat today's changing family.

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