By the Almighty of Allah I preparing first book Problems and prospects of orphans. This book covers university syllabi and all competitive syllabi in sociology in the papers entailed Demography, Social Demography, orphans problems, orphan studies vital statics etc. Analytic presentation of data derived from authentic sources, holistic approach to controversial problems simple and easily narrations with examples from circumstances make this work an ideal for students and a reference work for teachers and research scholars
Starting from historical reviews and discussions of the concept, scope, and importance of orphan problems. The book includes chapters on: introduction of orphans, related reviews and theories, related methodology of orphans, problems of orphans, culture health and economic aspect of orphan’s technological and futuristic view of orphans and case study of orphans.
I also thank to all those who have helped me directly or indirectly in preparing this book especially my Ph. D Guide Dr P. Ganesan Assistant professor, Department of Sociology Annamalai University and my family members. Last but not the least I acknowledged my gratitude to all those near and dear who inspired, encouraged and supported and helped me with their kind guidance to pen down this book.
Suggestions for improvement are solicited from indulgent readers.