Applied Psychology

By Debra Bekerian, Archie Levey

Applied Psychology
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For many students, the lecture hall or seminar room may seem vastly removed from the reality of everyday life. Applied Psychology: Putting theory into practice demystifies the link between the study of psychology, and psychology in the real world, illustrating how the application of psychology can be of benefit in many everyday settings. This book is uniquely structured as a series of themed 'rooms' which the reader is encouraged to explore, with each room examining a real world situation in which the psychologist has an important impact. These include the Work room, examining the role of the occupational psychologist; the Teaching room, focusing on the field of educational psychology; and the Crime room, centered on the activities of the forensic psychologist. Each room contains an overview of the key psychological concepts which are applied in each situation, before leading the reader through a number of scenarios - case studies which present the concepts in an applied context, and show how the psychologist's expertise is drawn upon, and what effect their input can have. Applied Psychology: Putting theory into practice is an invaluable resource for all students of psychology, showing just how psychology extends beyond the lecture hall to have a vital impact on our everyday lives. Online Resource Centre The Online Resource Centre to accompany Applied Psychology: Putting theory into practice features: For registered adopters of the book: - PowerPoint slides, showcasing accompanying material for each chapter of the book, for lecturers to download and adapt For students: -A Journal Club provision of related research articles and accompanying questions