Edition after edition, Hockenbury and Hockenburys bestseller finds innovative ways to fulfill its enduring mission: to provide an accessible introduction to psychology that will connect the course to students lives without oversimplifying the fields research foundations. Again anchored by the Hockenburys personal storytelling approach, the rigorously updated new edition offers a wealth of new material and features (including a three-dimensional model brain that can be bound with each textbook) and a dramatically expanded media/supplements package.
DSM 5 Updates Available for Fall 2014 classes, this update version features new content from Sandra Hockenbury in response to the release of the DSM-5. This new content is integrated into the text without changing pagination or the structure of the chapters. A special DSM 5 Supplement by Sandra Hockenbury is available for Fall 2013 and Spring and Summer 2014 courses