The Dalit Movement in Hyderabad State,, 1906-1953, P.R.Venkatswamy, 648 pages, hard case, Price Rs. 500/- ISBN : 978-81-907377-9-
This is the iconic book which details the history of the Dalit movement in Hyderabad State from 1906 till about 1953. It spans one of the most exciting periods of Hyderabad’s history – the Nizam’s rule, opposition to it from the Congress and Andhra Mahasabha, the rise of small-scale organizations of the dalit castes, their metamorphosis into a full-blown anti-Hindu movement, the rise of the Razakars and the take-over of Hyderabad State by the Indian Union. The movements were not just about the reform of caste cultures as much as about asserting the rights of the dalit castes and the mechanisms of upper caste domination. The Hyderabad movement and perspectives were closely associated with Ambedkar and opposition to Congress and the Gandhians. Venkatswamy himself was an active participant and the book is a fascinating ringside view of the events of the times.