Authoritative, comprehensive and definitive, Pulmonary Circulation builds on the success of its previous two editions by providing practising respiratory physicians with a highly-ordered, unique reference work on the structure, function and pathophysiology of
the pulmonary circulation.
New for the third edition:
- Thoroughly revised with comprehensive coverage from diagnosis and clinical evaluation
of pulmonary hypertension, to imaging techniques, disorders and treatment - A new truly global team of expert editors, authors and key opinion leaders provide a
wealth of detail on the latest developments and issues - New chapters, such as: paediatrics, critical care, special environments including high
altitude and underwater - More quality chapters, authors, illustrations with thorough and thoughtful referencing
make this book a contemporary essential reference text
Pulmonary Circulation remains an essential resource for pulmonary hypertension specialists and should prove invaluable in all respiratory, cardiac and intensive care units.