Criminal Law

By Jonathan Herring

Criminal Law
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Criminal Law: Text, Cases, and Materials offers comprehensive legal coverage and insightful analysis alongside expertly selected extracts from key cases and academic sources.

The effective two-part structure of each chapter in the book - the first part explaining the law as it is, the second examining the theoretical aspects of the law - ensures that readers not only gain a secure understanding of the law itself but also acquire a fundamental appreciation of the surrounding philosophical and ethical debates. Important theoretical material is made accessible to students through a particularly engaging writing style. The author's clarity of expression brings the subject to life and places the law in context.

This text is an essential and complete resource for all those wanting to get to grips with the fascinating and sometimes challenging area of criminal law.

Digital formats and resources

This edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by online resources.

The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features, and links that offer extra learning support:

The text is also supported by online resources, including:
- Self-test questions
- An introductory video from the author talking about the study of criminal law and his approach to the subject
- Key case flashcards
- Guidance on answering selected questions in the book
- Bibliography
- Useful web links

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