So You Want to Be an Engineer?

By Marianne Pilgrim Calabrese

So You Want to Be an Engineer?
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So You Want to Be A Engineer? Is a book for anyone who is or who wants to be an Engineer. The book reveals everything nobody else will tell you about the engineering profession. It shows how to save the reader the agony of on the job trial and error training and will give them a head start in using experienced strategies while dealing with technicians, draftsman, marketing, purchasing and manufacturing personnel, and project managers. It doesn't teach them about engineering: it enlightens them to find their right position. There are The Ten Commandments for an engineer, which sums up in ten steps how to survive in the engineering profession and gives in depth reasons why they work. It is a refreshing new and realistic book that touches on the reality that engineers may succeed, not because of their technical expertise but because of the way they interact with technicians, draftsman, marketing, purchasing and manufacturing personnel, and project managers.

Each of these topics will be discussed fully with real life stories and examples. There will be easy steps given on how to handle each issue and how an engineer can ease into the company they choose to work for. The Ten Commandments will make it easy for them to sum up the do's and don'ts to survive in the engineering profession.