Kerala Current Affairs & General Knowledge Yearbook 2023: KPSC Kerala Current Affairs Year Book 2023-24 Useful for KPSC State PSC and all other competitive exams preparation. It gives us immense pleasure in presenting the Kerala Current Affairs Yearbook 2023, Useful for KPSC State PSC and all other competitive exams. This book deals with the relevant features and topics of Current affairs of State in a systematic and comprehensive manner by the use of simple and concise language for easy and quick understanding.
Kerala Current Affairs Year Book 2023
What will you get?
You will get:
Current Affairs of Kerala (18 Months)
General Studies of Kerala
Kerala Yearbook 2023-24
We hope that the readers will find this book user friendly and helpful in preparation of their examinations. I look forwarded to have the views, comment, suggestions and criticism from readers which would definitely help in further improvement of the Book. I would like to heartfelt thanks to all my team members for their efforts to prepare this book.
Kerala Current Affairs / General Knowledge Yearbook 2023-24 have become an integral part of a lot of entrance exams being conducted at the graduate and under-graduate levels. It is very important for students to remain updated on the current happenings in their surroundings especially those that are important from the perspective of state. Current Affairs Yearbook 2023-24, a thoroughly revised, reorganised, updated and enlarged edition, presents a comprehensive study of all the sections that are covered under the subject of General Knowledge.
The Yearbook 2023-24 provides the latest information & most authentic data reference material on Current Affairs and General Knowledge. It has specially been designed to cater to aspirants of various competitive exams like KPSC and Other Kerala State PSC Civil services Exams across the State. The material has been written in a lucid language and prepared as per the requirements of the various competitive exams.
Wish you happy reading and best wishes for the examinations.
(Rajendra Prasad)
Founder & Director, MYUPSC
All the best!!