Sussex County, a Tale of Three Centuries. American Guide Series

By Virginia Writers' Project

Sussex County, a Tale of Three Centuries. American Guide Series
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About the Book

Books about the History of the Americas begin with the migrations of the Paleo-Indians 15,000 years ago. After Columbus's pioneering voyage of 1492, Spanish, Portuguese, English, French and Dutch settlers arrived and colonized the New World. By the late 19th century, the bulk of these new countries had achieved independence from their previous European masters. Titles include: A Short History of Mexico, America Not Discovered by Columbus: An Historical Sketch of the Discovery of America by the Norsemen in the Tenth Century, Columbus and His Predecessors; A Study in the Beginnings of American History, Mexico in Revolution, and The First Letter of Christopher Columbus to the Noble Lord Raphael Sanchez Announcing the Discovery of America.

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