Few realize that women played a pivotal role in the development of science fiction. Even fewer know that feminist science fiction became popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This collection contains a broad spectrum of this genre, many of which have been all but forgotten. Ten novels and short stories and two appendices round out this volume.
Table of Contents:
Herland By Charlotte Perkins Stetson Gilman
Sultana’s Dream By Rokheya Shekhawat Hossein
Mizora: A Prophecy By Mary E. Bradley
Man's Rights By Annie Denton Cridge
Friend Island By Francis Stevens
Three Hundred Years Hence By Mary Griffith
A Wife Manufactured to Order By Alice W. Fuller
Unveiling a Parallel By Alice Ilgenfriz Jones and Ella Merchant
A Dream of the Twenty-First Century By Winnifred Harper Cooley
The Republic of the Future By Anna Bowman Dodd
Appendix 1: Biographical Sketches of the Authors
Appendix 2: Other Notable Female Science Fiction Authors