A layman Muslim asked Yasir Qadhi: “What is the ruling on invoking the engraved saints (Awlyia)?”
Yasir Qadhi answered him publicly, saying, “…The second opinion is the opinion that invoking the saints (Awliya)… it is Haram (Unlawful), and it is evil, and evil innovation, a religions innovation, a Bid’ah, and it is a steppingstone to Shirk (Polytheism). It is opening the doors to Shirk (Polytheism). But it is not Shirk(Polytheism) in and of itself unless that action is accompanied by a belief that you are calling out to a god. I myself am an advocate of this second position.”
Yasir Qadhi’s answer is false, baseless, misleading, deceitful, tricky, and dishonest. However, the worst thing about his answer is the sad reality that as a graduate of the Islamic University of Madinah, he was matching the argument to justify idol worship like the pagan Arabs did during the Prophet’s (s.a.w) time.
The Pagan Arabs justified their idol worship saying, "We believe that Allah is the Creator, the Controller, the Provider, the Sustainer, the Giver of life and death, and the Source of every blessing." Regardless, Allah (s.w.t) still classified them as Polytheists (Mushrikun) in the Quran, and the Prophet (s.a.w) challenged them on all fronts till they gave it up.
I want to ask Yasir Qadhi: "What is the difference between the pagan Arabs at the Prophet's (s.a.w) time and today's grave worshipers?" First, let me point out two major similarities:-
The pagan Arabs acknowledged Allah's (s.w.t) Lordship (Rububiyyah). Today's grave worshipers also acknowledge that Allah (s.w.t) can do things that their engraved saints (Awliya) cannot do. Yet, despite their acknowledgments, they both denied Allah's (s.w.t) right to be worshiped alone (Uluhiyyiah). They both directed their worship to the engraved like the pagan Arabs directed their worship to the idols.
The pagan Arabs believed that their idols have status and gained Allah's (s.w.t) honor and respect. Hence, they appointed them as Intermediaries (Wasilah), and they used to ask Allah (s.w.t) through them. Similarly, today's grave worshipers believe that the engraved saints (Awliya) have status, honor, and respect with Allah (s.w.t). Hence, they appoint them as Intermediaries (Wasilah), and they invoke Allah (s.w.t) through them as well.
However, there are two major differences between the pagan Arabs of the Prophet's (s.a.w) time and today's grave worshipers:
When a pagan Arab experienced severe hardship, calamity, or distress, or while making his urgent appeal (Istighathah), he called upon Allah (s.w.t) and ultimately abandoned his idols. However, when today's grave worshiper is distressed and in dire need of help, he directs his urgent appeals (Istighathah) to his saint, the engraved, the dead, and calls upon their so-called “Supreme Helpers” (Al-Ghawth Al-Azam).
The second is, that I regard a pagan Arab as a Polytheist (Mushrik), but I cannot do the same to my Muslim brother, the grave worshiper, since he utters the Universal Declaration of Faith (Lā ilāha illa Allāh). I can only do that after establishing the evidence and removed the obstacles. It is to verify that he is invoking the saints (Awliya) knowingly and with willful intention.
I ask Allah (s.w.t) to make this work of benefit to Muslims including our brother Yasir Qadhi. May Allah (s.w.t) guide us all. Ameen.
Imam Karim Abu Zaid