Artificial Intelligence Book for Class 9 (Edition 2) With Practical Activities for Hands-on Experience for Academic year 2025-26 —CBSE Skill Subject 417

By Pankaj Kumar Verma, Dhrupal R Shah, Khushbu Chauhan, Devi M

Artificial Intelligence Book for Class 9 (Edition 2) With Practical Activities for Hands-on Experience for Academic year 2025-26 —CBSE Skill Subject 417
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INTRODUCTION TO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Explores the concept of intelligence, the history and applications of AI, and envisioning AI in smart homes. Discusses AI in smart cities and homes, including activities related to the evolution of smart homes. Addresses AI ethics, discussing the principles of AI for good and conducting a balloon debate to explore ethical considerations.

AI PROJECT CYCLE: Introduces the AI project cycle, outlining its stages and significance. Covers problem scoping in AI projects, including problem canvas and statement formulation. Discusses data acquisition in AI, exploring different data types, sources, and features. Focuses on data exploration, emphasizing data visualization charts. Examines AI modelling, differentiating between learning-based and rule-based approaches, and introducing decision trees.

BASICS OF PYTHON PROGRAMMING: Provides an introduction to Python, highlighting its relevance to AI and basics of programming in PictoBlox. Focuses on Python basics, including variables, data types, and operators (arithmetic, comparison, logical, and assignment). Introduces tools for AI programming in Python, including PictoBlox AI and Python modules. 

PROJECT-BASED LEARNING AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: Our CBSE class 9 Artificial Intelligence Books emphasizes activity-based learning, culminating in a Capstone Project that encourages students to apply all learned skills in a comprehensive project. The book includes practical works like Algorithm and Flowcharts, First Python Code, Addition bot with Python, Loops in Python, Operators in Python etc to enhance students’ hands-on experience.

Table of Content:

UNIT 1- Communication Skills:  This unit covers the basics of communication, focusing on verbal and non-verbal methods, writing skills including parts of speech and sentence construction, pronunciation basics, effective greetings, self-introduction, and the art of asking questions.

UNIT 2 - Self-Management Skills: It delves into self-management, exploring self-awareness through strength and weakness analysis, building self-confidence, fostering positive thinking, and emphasizing the importance of personal hygiene and grooming.

UNIT 3 - Information and Communication Technology Skills: This unit introduces ICT skills, covering the use of smartphones and tablets, understanding computer parts and peripherals, basic computer operations, fundamental file operations, and the basics of internet usage including browsing, email communication, and email account creation.

UNIT 4 - Entrepreneurship Skills: It provides insights into entrepreneurship, exploring its definition, role, the qualities of successful entrepreneurs, differentiating between entrepreneurship and wage employment, types of business activities, and the entrepreneurship development process.

UNIT 5 - Green Skills: This unit focuses on environmental awareness and green skills, discussing society's relationship with the environment, ways to conserve natural resources, and the concept of sustainable development and green economy.

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