Stereoscopic Atlas of Macular Diseases

By John Donald M. Gass

Stereoscopic Atlas of Macular Diseases
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This fully updated edition by the leading authority on the macula includes 128 color stereoscopic pairs inserted into the text for viewing with the viewer included. This text provides the most extensive coverage of differential diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of macular disease available in print.

* Illustrates the appearance of disease based on fluorescein angiographic findings and histopathology * Features 3,900 black-and-white photographs, color stereofundus photographs, fluorescein angiograms, photomicrographs, and schematic drawings -- nearly 1,500 illustrations are new to this edition! * Covers perflurocarbon liquids, retinal detachment, inflammatory disease of the retina and choroid, manifestations of AIDS, and much more

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