CHANGES IN AMERICAN MORALITY: OF THE PEOPLE; BY THE PEOPLE; FOR THE SELF, contends that America has lost touch with the fundamental ethics of its founding principles. This, coupled with the deleterious effects of individualism; liberalism; materialism, and relegating religion to the fringes of the public forum, has undermined America’s achievement of a truly “common good.” The result is a serious deterioration of our former collectively conceived moral compass in favor of a more personally composed moral code. This code often blurs the boundaries between “right and wrong” as the attainment of an unbridled “self-satisfaction” takes precedence above all else. Therefore, America has become a nation of competing individuals, each seeking to extract ever-increasing levels of personal pleasure and fulfillment from every possible source, often at the expense of our collective civil and social associations; our local communities—even our families.
With the works of the Founders and many of America’s recent and modern social thinkers as references, Mr. Farello achieves a thorough examination and explanation of the evolution of many of America’s current social ills, and arrives at a number of solid solutions to those problems. This book is must reading for anyone concerned with American society’s current direction.