SOCRATES is an international, multi-lingual, multi-disciplinary refereed and indexed scholarly journal produced as par of the Harvard Dataverse Network. This journal appears quarterly in English, Hindi, Persian in 22 disciplines.
About this Issue:
This issue of Socrates has been divided into five sections. The first section of this issue is Language & Literature- English. The first article of this section deals with Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of “symbolic” or “soft” violence in Margaret Drabble’s latest novel, The Pure Gold Baby (2013).The second article of this section tends to analyses Connection in Richard Ford’s A Multitude of Sins.The third article of this section applies the formalistic approach to scrutinize the two poems of William Butler Yeats.
The second section of this issue is Philosophy. The first article of this section analyzes the epistemological limit that separates the superhero fictitious universe from our universe of causal reality. The second article of this section argues that whatever might be said about his attack on other German philosophers, Santayana’s attack on Kant, despite its subtlety, its force and its intelligence, is fundamentally misguided.
The third section of this issue is Economics, Commerce and Management. In the first paper of this section authors have examined how, when and to what extent Strategic Human Resource Practices affect performance at the employee level. The second article of this section explores some of the important aspects of effective mobile money and digital financial services in bringing financial inclusion.
The fourth section of this issue is Politics, Law and Governance. The article in this section explores the African Union’s (“AU”) science and technology plan and strategy for Africa within the construct of Kwame Nkrumah’s socio-political thought.
The fifth section of this issue The new Book, reviews AamNama by renowned scholar and poet "Suhail Kakorvi".