The author has developed a recovery plan to reduce the slave mentality experienced in America today. America must recover from slavery to enable all races to experience equality and prosperity in this land of milk and honey. This book will assist in the recovery process and lead to being "Brainwashed To Brilliance."
Mary Ann Wilson is an Amazon #1 Best-selling Author of her first published book, "COVID-19 Meet My God Faith Over Fear." She is a poet with poems published in the National Library of Poetry. She is the organizer of the Brainwashed To Brilliancy Boys Program, motivational speaker, and host of a Gospel Train Radio Show in Montgomery, Alabama.
The author has nearly four decades of Social Work experience in the areas of child welfare, mental health, and prison social work as a practitioner and psychotherapist.
Join the author on her journey to change the trajectory of violence and Black-on-Black crimes in our communities for new generations of African American males by being brainwashed into brilliancy.
Join the author as she outlines steps to a recovery plan and take you on a journey to brilliancy.