"Bridgeman′s Psychology and Evolution is a superb textbook in evolutionary psychology...I see it as a landmark in the emergence of evolutionary psychology as no longer a controversial minority current but as a central aspect of the mainstream. The book reflects the state of the art in current work in evolutionary psychology...the reader is brought up-to-date about evolutionary theory, modern genetics, human prehistory, and relevant issues in modern linguistics."
--M. Brewster Smith, Emeritus, University of California, Santa Cruz and Past President, American Psychological Association
"This is an important book. Readers partial to evolutionary psychology, as well as those who remain skeptical, will benefit from a careful reading of this reader-friendly book...The author endorses the core assumptions of evolutionary psychology...but, refreshingly, he includes, often with a new slant, relevant material usually overlooked by both believers and skeptics."
-- Andrew Neher, Emeritus, Cabrillo College
In recent years, evolutionary theory has been offering a framework that more and more psychologists are finding increasingly relevant to address one critical question: Why? Why do we behave, develop, and interact the way we do?
Psychology and Evolution: The Origins of Mind introduces students to the emerging field of evolutionary psychology. Bruce Bridgeman applies concepts of evolutionary theory to basic psychological functions to derive new insights into the roots of human behavior and how that behavior may be viewed as adaptation to life′s significant challenges. Examining courtship, reproduction, child rearing, family relations, social interaction, and language development, Bridgeman uses evolutionary theory to help in the search to elucidate the foundations of human perceptions, experiences, and behaviors.
introduces students to the emerging field of evolutionary psychology. Bruce Bridgeman applies concepts of evolutionary theory to basic psychological functions to derive new insights into the roots of human behavior and how that behavior may be viewed as adaptation to life′s significant challenges. Examining courtship, reproduction, child rearing, family relations, social interaction, and language development, Bridgeman uses evolutionary theory to help in the search to elucidate the foundations of human perceptions, experiences, and behaviors.Encouraging thought and discussion, this engaging volume includes:
Psychology and Evolution presents an innovative application of biological ideas and data to establish a comprehensive theory of evolutionary psychology--a theory with the potential to unite all of psychology under a single framework and to explain the basis of human behavior and experience.
presents an innovative application of biological ideas and data to establish a comprehensive theory of evolutionary psychology--a theory with the potential to unite all of psychology under a single framework and to explain the basis of human behavior and experience.Primarily designed as a course textbook for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in the social and behavioral sciences, Psychology and Evolution will also appeal to scholars in the field and educated readers interested in the development of human behavior.
Instructor′s Manual Now Available!
An Instructor′s Manual on CD-ROM is available to qualified adopters of Psychology and Evolution and provides instructors with examination questions, additional background material on discussion questions in the text, and other helpful aids. The IM encourages critical thought about the issues raised in each chapter and provides useful recommendations for structuring discussions and promoting further research.