Fifteen months passed since the murderer of the parish vicar had been brought to justice. This shocking event rocked the village of West Ayton, but the sleepy normality of the Yorkshire hamlet had finally returned. It was almost as if nothing had happened and that was how the villagers liked it.
Other than this dreadful episode, most of the six hundred years since the the village was established had been calm, uneventful, unchanging and generally a nice place to live if you do not want too much excitement.
That is until all hell broke loose.
Mysterious lights started to appear. And that was the least of it. Reports of extra terrestrial beings and large hairy creatures accosting villagers began to make some local residents fearful which others dismissed as a load of old codswallop. A young reporter broke the story in the local newspaper and visitors from far away lands came to the village to investigate.
Whatever the opinion of the villagers, a believer or a sceptic, they all agreed there was a lot of strange goings on.