thersites 18

By Pia Düvel, Ulrike Ehmig, Jeremiah McCall, Luis Unceta Gómez, Anastasia Bakogianni, Jens Fischer, David Serrano Lozano, Annemarie Ambühl, Alicia Matz, Jonas Konstantin Mach, Mattia Mancini, Eva Werner

thersites 18
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thersites is an international open access journal for innovative transdisciplinary classical studies edited by Annemarie Ambühl, Filippo Carlà-Uhink, Christian Rollinger and Christine Walde.

thersites expands classical reception studies by publishing original scholarship free of charge and by reflecting on Greco-Roman antiquity as present phenomenon and diachronic culture that is part of today’s transcultural and highly diverse world. Antiquity, in our understanding, does not merely belong to the past, but is always experienced and engaged in the present.

thersites contributes to the critical review on methods, theories, approaches and subjects in classical scholarship, which currently seems to be awkwardly divided between traditional perspectives and cultural turns.

thersites brings together scholars, writers, essayists, artists and all kinds of agents in the culture industry to get a better understanding of how antiquity constitutes a part of today’s culture and (trans-)forms our present.

thersites appears twice yearly and publishes regular issues as well as specially-themed and guest-edited issues focused on individual subjects and questions. Call for papers are released regularly and long in advance on our homepage ( and on other pages that feature announcements for classical studies (APA, Mommsen-Gesellschaft etc.).

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