By Rev. Gabriel Bongo Homem

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The Holy Scriptures Of Mokonvist

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from Mokonvist? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify Mokonvist in your body. Use this important religious text to follow the Almighty Mokonvist and the Kingdomist faith.

The Holy Scripture of Mokonvist is inspired by God, through dreams, revelations, visions, prophecies, and parables. Mokonvist reveals his mystery and that the beauty of human beings should be preserved. In this Holy Scripture, Mokonvist will teach you how to maintain that


1. Angels appear to you as good, because Mokonvist created you and said they are good. You will also learn why Mokonvist wishes that you look nice and how Mokonvist can support you to look after your body. You will also come to understand that this Holy Scripture of Mokonvist involves deep spiritual reflection. Mokonvist, in Heaven, revealed this Holy Scripture to his prophet, Gabriel, through dreams, revelations, visions, prophecies, and parables. These Holy words are presented here for you to study and include considerations of the present and of the future. You must always understand that the secrets of the Holy Scripture of Mokonvist came directly from Mokonvist, in Heaven. It can be confusing for humans to comprehend this. The key to this revelation is to remember that ‘time’ plays a great role in the life of all human beings. You were born on ‘time’, you're grown on ‘time’, work on ‘time’, and live your entire life, on ‘time’. Each vision, dream, revelation, prophecy, and parable from all the prophets of Mokonvist were made at different ‘times’. Your life depends on it. Please know and understand that only the wise that have faith can interpret and understand these Holy Scriptures. There are lots of parables also. Now be ready for the day or the hour because no one knows; not the Angels in Heaven; not the prophet Gabriel; only Mokonvist. Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come. Mokonvist only wishes that you are a good soldier of the faith and are ready for victory. Visions, dreams, revelations are not always complete and are sometimes cut short. If your faith has been disturbed by noise or from someone, you must avoid that disturbance.

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