Combinatorial Geometry and Graph Theory

By Jin Akiyama

Combinatorial Geometry and Graph Theory
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This volume consists of the refereed papers presented at the Indonesia-Japan Joint Conference on Combinatorial Geometry and Graph Theory (IJCCGGT 2003), held on September 13-16, 2003 at ITB, Bandung, Indonesia. This conf- ence can also be considered as a series of the Japan Conference on Discrete and Computational Geometry (JCDCG), which has been held annually since 1997. The ?rst ?ve conferences of the series were held in Tokyo, Japan, the sixth in Manila, the Philippines, in 2001, and the seventh in Tokyo, Japan in 2002. The proceedings of JCDCG 1998, JCDCG 2000 and JCDCG 2002 were p- lished by Springer as part of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science: LNCS volumes 1763, 2098 and 2866, respectively. The proceedings of JCDCG 2001 were also published by Springer as a special issue of the journal Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 18, No. 4, 2002. TheorganizersaregratefultotheDepartmentofMathematics, InstitutTek- logi Bandung (ITB) and Tokai University for sponsoring the conference. We also thank all program committee members and referees for their excellent work. Our big thanks to the principal speakers: Hajo Broersma, Mikio Kano, Janos Pach andJorgeUrrutia.Finally, ourthanksalsogoestoallourcolleagueswhoworked hard to make the conference enjoyable and successful. August 2004 Jin Akiyama Edy Tri Baskoro Mikio Kano Organization The Indonesia-Japan Joint Conference on Combinatorial Geometry and Graph Theory (IJCCGGT) 2003 was organized by the Department of Mathematics, InstitutTeknologiBandung(ITB)IndonesiaandRIED, TokaiUniversity, Japan.