Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture, Volume 25 (2017)

By Mark J. Johnson, Ann Madsen, Robert A. Rees, Craig L. Foster, Noel B. Reynolds, John S. Robertson, Brian C. Hales, Matthew L. Bowen, A. Keith Thompson, Brian J. Baird, Stanford Carmack, Bruce E. Dale, Benjamin McMurtry, Jeff Lindsay

Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture, Volume 25 (2017)
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 This is volume 25 of Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture published by The Interpreter Foundation. It contains articles on a variety of topics including: "The Life-giving “Water” of the Restoration," "Scriptures with Pictures: Methodology, Unexamined Assumptions, and the Study of the Book of Abraham," "The Healing and Exalting Powers of Christ Weave Together at Easter," "Looking Deeper into Joseph Smith’s First Vision: Imagery, Cognitive Neuroscience, and the Construction of Memory," "Overcoming Obstacles: Becoming a Great Missionary," "On Doubting Nephi’s Break Between 1 and 2 Nephi: A Critique of Joseph Spencer’s An Other Testament: On typology," "Exploring Semitic and Egyptian in Uto-Aztecan Languages," "Joseph Smith: Monogamist or Polygamist?," "“If Ye Will Hearken”: Lehi’s Rhetorical Wordplay on Ishmael in 2 Nephi 1:28–29 and Its Implications," "Apostate Religion in the Book of Mormon," "Understanding Jacob’s Teachings about Plural Marriage from a Law of Moses Context," "How Joseph Smith’s Grammar Differed from Book of Mormon Grammar: Evidence from the 1832 History," "How Big A Book? Estimating the Total Surface Area of the Book of Mormon Plates," "The Amlicites and Amalekites: Are They the Same People?," "The Book of Mormon Versus the Consensus of Scholars: Surprises from the Disputed Longer Ending of Mark, Part 1," "The Book of Mormon Versus the Consensus of Scholars: Surprises from the Disputed Longer Ending of Mark, Part 2."

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