Finding ourselves in worship. What a wonderful idea! That's what this beautiful book is about. We probably would never really and truly know ourselves any other way. Yet we are so prone to neglect it and go on living blindly and ineffectively.
Who are we, really? We would never truly know if left on our own to figure it out. But in God's eyes-when we worship-we are fully known and thoroughly understood.
The trick is in learning to breath with God, to feel God's holy being permeating our own, embracing us, ready to transform us if we are truly willing and submitted.
In a way, this is exactly what worship is about, why it exists, what it can mean in our day-to-day lives. When I relax my hold on myself and let God have God's way, I become who I was intended to be and not merely te stubborn, self-willed person I was stumbling about s being.
His is probably the most important thing anybody could teach us on any day of our lives. It would lead to submitting our lives to the divine being and thus becoming what we were really meant to be, living each day in the divine light instead of stumbling about in the darkness and confusion of our own foolish self-wills.
The author of this book puts it more plainly than any other writer I have ever read. You can feel it in the very things he says, in the pictures he gives us of the beautiful life of prayer and submission. I have never read another author who seemed to understand the matter as well as he does.
It is easy to tell that James McReynolds walks with God. He lives and breathes the atmosphere of holiness.
He has been generous to thank me for the role I might have played in his life across the years. But he is the one who deserves he thanks and acknowledgment, for he has enriched all our lives with his thoughtful, beautiful testimonies.
Thanks, Jim. Another gem!