The Election of 2000

By Gerald M. Pomper

The Election of 2000
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Continuing a tradition of excellence in postelection analysis, Gerald M. Pomper leads a distinguished team of experts offering timely and insightful assessment of the first presidential election of the 21st century.

After a relatively uneventful campaign season, the American electorate divided evenly between two similar candidates who raised and spent record sums of money. Election Day was followed by an unprecedented period of uncertainty that was finally resolved in a controversial judicial decision. How all this happened—and why—is discussed by this dynamic lineup of election specialists.

Gerald M. Pomper (Rutgers University), author of Passions and Interests: Political Party Concepts of American Democracy.

Anthony Corrado (Colby College), author of Campaign Finance Reform and Paying for Presidents.

E. J. Dionne Jr. (Washington Post), author of Why Americans Hate Politics and They Only Look Dead.

Kathleen A. Frankovic, Director of Surveys and producer, CBS News.

Paul S. Herrnson (University of Maryland), author of Congressional Elections: Campaigning at Home and in Washington

Marjorie Randon Hershey (Indiana University), author of Running for Office.

William G. Mayer (Northeastern University), author of In Pursuit of the White House 2000: How We Choose Our Presidential Nominees.

Monika L. McDermott, Manager of Surveys for CBS News for 2000 Election.

Wilson Carey McWilliams (Rutgers University), author of Beyond the Politics of Disappointment: American Elections, 1980-1998.