University student, Wiley Cayton's world turns upside down when she meets college newcomer Cameron Wilks. With his irresistible good looks, he seems to be nothing but a bad boy - a party-boy and a constant distraction.
When Wiley finds out about Cameron's troubled past, she's determined to keep her distance and her previously shattered heart protected. But with him studying the same degree and falling in with her group of friends, she's drawn to him in unexplainable, illogical ways. How can one's heart overrule one's mind? Inevitably she falls for his charismatic charm and her insecurities take hold. Her life spirals out of control and she struggles to find balance between partying and maintaining her scholarship grades.
With her future at risk, her family battle to keep her and Cameron apart, but that only weaves their love hate relationship tighter together. When a college prank goes horribly wrong - threads snap, and just when she needs him most, Cameron disappears. Is their tumultuous romance meant to be or is it just a temporary distraction?