Spaghetti with Raisins

By Anne R. Curran

Spaghetti with Raisins
Available for 7.99 USD

Your help is needed.

Stop by for tea and a chat if that is all you can do.

Stop by and let the caregiver go shopping by herself for an hour or two. Oh, how I loved that opportunity!

Stay overnight or a weekend and allow the caregiver a real break to wind down, get a massage or stay in a motel alone where she can sleep as late as she needs to next morning.

Families, plan together. Make a casserole dish to help your beloved mother or father so that they dont have to cook once or twice a week.

Invite your loved one and their caregiver to your home for lunch or supper for as long as they are able to visit.

If you are adept at paperwork, help the caregiver sort through the quagmire of forms they have to deal with.

Assist them in looking for long-term care so they dont have to take the whole burden on alone.

Sometimes it is only one daughter or son helping out. They need a break too. Extended family, be aware and help out where you can.

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