Decision-Making in Nursing

By Sandra B. Lewenson, Marie Truglio-Londrigan

Decision-Making in Nursing
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Decision-Making in Nursing: Thoughtful Approaches for Leadership, Second Edition explores multiple decision-making approaches to enable nursing students and professionals to become insightful, critical, flexible, and confident decision makers in today’s complex healthcare environment. With a reflective, multidimensional approach to decision-making, it examines the ways in which history, legal and ethical issues, spirituality, culture, family, the media, economics, technology, and health policy affect the way nurses make decisions. With a greater emphasis on leadership, teamwork, and intra- and inter- professional relationships, this new edition provides nurses and students the opportunity to see themselves as leaders and feel comfortable making decisions as leaders. Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition.