This is the first comprehensive international atlas featuring all ecological services provided by Ramsar wetlands, with complete views of all Ramsar sites, through remote sensing and mapping. Written by an international expert on wetlands and remote sensing, this atlas is for a broad audience and compiles much-needed information on how the Ramsar wetlands are of significant value to the planet and society and can and should be managed in such a way that supports planetary sustainability. Focused on the 72 designated Ramsar sites along the western coasts of Alaska, Canada, California, Mexico, and the Central Pacific islands, each wetland is articulately documented with respect to its specific ecological functions and services.
This atlas is intended for wetland managers and policymakers involved in the Ramsar Convention activities and for wetland ecologists and other allied environmental scientists and practitioners, such as hydrologists, microbiologists, and botanists. It is also a valuable resource for researchers, faculty, and graduate students affiliated with programs such as wetland ecology, wetland management, environmental studies, environmental management, and survey of wetlands.