Explore the most fundamental human relationshipbetween parent and child
Western social science has long neglected to acknowledge that family relationships must always be examined from a culturally sensitive perspective. Parent-Youth Relations: Cultural and Cross-Cultural Perspectives fills this void by exploring in depth the most fundamental human relationshipbetween parent and childin different societies around the world. International experts provide a comprehensive collection of original research and theory on how parental styles and the effects of culture are interconnected. Written from diverse perspectives, this unique resource reveals deep insight into these relationships by focusing on the individuals, the structure of the family, and societal and cultural influences.
Parental relations and cultural belief systems both play integral parts on how socialization and development occur in children. Parent-Youth Relations: Cultural and Cross-Cultural Perspectives presents several viewpoints, some comparing similarities and differences across societies or nations, others exploring relationships within a single culture. This probing global look at parent-youth relations provides sensitively nuanced information valuable for every professional or student in the social sciences. Detailed tables illustrate research data while thorough bibliographies offer opportunities for further study.
Parent-Youth Relations: Cultural and Cross-Cultural Perspectives explores:
Parent-Youth Relations: Cultural and Cross-Cultural Perspectives presents the freshest research available along with extensive bibliographies, providing essential reading for educators, advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and professionals in family studies, sociology, psychology, and anthropology.