Legends Of The Fallen

By Leonard D. Raglin

Legends Of The Fallen
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Angels never fall __ humans do! This book is a 'must have' for any person serious about correcting erroneous doctrines that have passed down from generation to generation. "Legends of the Fallen" is a work that calls its readers to assume their personal responsibility. Colored with humorous personal stories by the author as well as a conversational and entertaining writing style, "Legends" is an invaluable addition to your personal library as well as a wonderful study tool for group discussions and book clubs. It is an intense study that tips over many "sacred cows." The book takes a closer look at very popular excuses for mankind's demise such as the legendary origin, identity and fall of an angel formerly named Lucifer along with his horde of "fallen angels." Great book - sure to raise some eyebrows and prayerfully some conscious' as well!" Raised in the Appalachian Mountain town of Harlan, Kentucky - Leonard Raglin is the product of a long lineage of preachers. An ardent student of the Bible - Raglin spent much of his young adult life exposing himself to many great teachers of various faiths. He preached his first sermon at age sixteen in his father's Baptist church in Harlan. "I've never thought about it that way" __ is commonly heard after a Raglin oration. Leonard has led numerous Bible studies and Sunday school classes. He has been invited to teach at various college campus ministries. An Emmy Award winning 25-year veteran of television news - Leonard is currently employed as photojournalist for one of the top ABC affiliates in the country. Raglin credits his ex-wife as the inspiration for penning "Legends of the Fallen" and asserts that his determination to accept personal responsibility for their divorce was the catalyst for this work.

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