International Economics

By Dennis R. Appleyard, Alfred J. Field

International Economics
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Ch. 1. The World of International Economics. 3. Pt. I. The Classical Theory of Trade. 17. Ch. 2. Early Trade Theories: Mercantilism and the Transition to the Classical World of David Ricardo. 19. Ch. 3. The Classical World of David Ricardo and Comparative Advantage. 29. Ch. 4. Extensions and Tests of the Classical Model of Trade. 41. Pt. II. Neoclassical Trade History. 57. Ch. 5. Introduction to Neoclassical Trade Theory: Tools to Be Employed. 59. Ch. 6. Gains from Trade in Neoclassical Theory. 81. Ch. 7. Offer Curves and the Terms of Trade. 97. Ch. 8. The Basis for Trade: Factor Endowments and the Heckscher-Ohlin Model. 121. Ch. 9. Empirical Tests of the Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem. 147. Pt. III. Alternative Theories and Extensions. 161. Ch. 10. Alternative Theories of Trade and Intra-Industry Trade. 163. Ch. 11. Economic Growth and International Trade. 187. Ch. 12. International Factor Movements. 205. Pt. IV. Trade Policy. 225. Ch. 13. The Instruments of Trade Policy. 227. Ch. 14. The Impact of Trade Policies. 243. Ch. 15. Traditional Arguments for Protection. 273. Ch. 16. "New Protectionist" Approaches to Trade Policy Intervention. 289. Ch. 17. Review of Recent U.S. Trade Policy. 305. Ch. 18. Economic Integration. 321. Ch. 19. International Trade and the Developing Countries. 343. Pt. V. Fundamentals of International Monetary Economics. 369. Ch. 20. The Balance of Payments Accounts. 371. Ch. 21. The Foreign Exchange Market. 391. Ch. 22. The Monetary and Portfolio Balance Approaches to External Balance. 415. Ch. 23. Current Account Adjustments to Balance of Payments Disequilibrium: Price and Income Effects. 445. Pt. VI. Macroeconomic Policy in the Open Economy. 493. Ch. 24. Economic Policy in the Open Economy: Fixed Exchange Rates. 495. Ch. 25. Economic Policy in the Open Economy: Flexible Exchange Rates. 521. Ch. 26. Prices and Output in the Open Economy: Aggregate Supply and Demand. 537. Pt. VII. Issues in World Monetary Arrangements. 563. Ch. 27. Fixed or Flexible Exchange Rates?. 565. Ch. 28. The International Monetary System: Past, Present, and Future. 585. All Marketplace ( -- ) New ( -- ) Used ( -- ) CLOSE X LOADING ... We're sorry. Information from our Trusted Marketplace Sellers is currently unavailable. To try again, please visit the B & N Marketplace. ...

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