Delivering Successful IT-enabled Business Change

By Great Britain: National Audit Office

Delivering Successful IT-enabled Business Change
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The Government set out its strategy to improve the delivery of public services through increased and better use of information technology (Cm. 6683, ISBN 0101668325) in November 2005, with the aim of ensuring services are designed around the needs of customers or citizens rather than the provider. Drawing on 24 case studies from the public and private sectors in the UK and overseas, this NAO report highlights examples of successful IT-enabled programmes and projects which have achieved tangible benefits for citizens and taxpayers and identifies good practice which can be transferred to new and existing government programmes and projects. It pinpoints three key issues in these success stories relating to: i) the degree of engagement by senior decision-makers; ii) the level of organisational understanding of what is needed to be an 'intelligent client' (in terms of having the necessary skills to negotiate effectively with suppliers and users); and iii) the importance of realising the benefits of change by determining at the outset what the desired benefits are and how the project will be managed to ensure these benefits are optimised.