This book introduces transfinite interpolation as a generalization of interpolation of data prescribed at a finite number of points to data prescribed on a geometrically structured set, such as a piece of curve, surface, or submanifold. The time-independent theory is readily extended to a moving/deforming data set whose dynamics is specified in a Eulerian or Lagrangian framework. The resulting innovative tools cover a very broad spectrum of applications in fluid mechanics, geometric optimization, and imaging. The authors chose to focus on the dynamical mesh updating in fluid mechanics and the construction of velocity fields from the boundary expression of the shape derivative.
Transfinite Interpolations and Eulerian/Lagrangian Dynamics is a self-contained graduate-level text that integrates theory, applications, numerical approximations, and computational techniques. It applies transfinite interpolation methods to finite element mesh adaptation and ALE fluid-structure interaction.
Specialists in applied mathematics, physics, mechanics, computational sciences, imaging sciences, and engineering will find this book of interest.