By Augustin Ostace

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Crisis in Theology, Crisis in Society, Crisis in Economy! Crisis in politics, Crisis in migrations, Crisis through wars, the whole Species Sapiens in crisis without end…

But we, in individuality and in community, as human being, we are fully indebted to the Species Sapiens, with no exemption…

What is to be done in times of multi-crisis?...

...Will we find through this titanic spirit of daring belonging to Species Sapiens, Sapiens as the essence of its birth and becoming, an answer to the great enigmas that surround us from all parts of our planetary system, our solar system or our galactic system, condensed into meanings in the great mysteries of origins and becoming, of the Universe, of the Solar System and of the Species Sapiens, namely:

Where do we come from?

Who are we?

Where are we heading?

What is Sapiens?


Drama , Drama, Drama…

...Will we be able to rethink the universe that seems endless and full of misunderstandings, starting with its supposed origin from the Big Bang (Biggest Bang, as a possible birth from itself), with its subsequent becoming through stars, galaxies, solar systems and planetary systems, as well as through this set of Conceptological Philosophies, or Anthropological Philosophies or Sapientological or Anthropo-Sapientological Philosophies, which illuminate and re-illuminate abysses and labyrinths, archetypes and unknowns, uncertainties and mysteries, both terrestrial and celestial, astral and infra-uncontained expanses of cellular and sub-cellular spatiality and infra-temporalities, atomic, subatomic, ionic or molecular?..


Difficulties, Difficulties, Difficulties…

... Will we manage to rewrite through the triad of Point – Line – Surface, the whole written and transcribed by the thinking and revolting Species, through our philosophical system of conceptualism in motion and re-stirring, of conceptualism in becoming / returning, of conceptualism in startling and enrichment, of conceptualism in organization and self-organization, of conceptualism in replication and self-replication, as a redetermination of Individual Self, Sapiens Self and Universal Self, all three sharing in the same Great Unknown that we cannot know the Absolute, and which is perhaps in the depths deeper than us?


Weaknesses, Weaknesses, Weaknesses…

…Will we thus withdraw a new vision into Sapiens by the very attempt to overcome and restructure it through its own decoding and re-axiality, even in the extremely austere conditions of viral pandemics (possible revelation of a divine sign?

Or an astral pathology?), in fact a pathology of our entire Species, both biological and ontological, axiological and epistemological, as a self-revelation of our own fragility and vulnerability in its entirety biologically and bio-ontologically?...


Confusions, Confusions, Confusions…

...Will we be able to revitalize or even transgress a writer or re-writer, a thinker and a re-thinker, towards a bolder of all breaking levels from the horizons of knowledge and abstract constructions in Sapiens, approaching the very unknown-his instincts, which carry us imprinted with mystery and magic, miracles and mythologies, through the oceans of thirsty cosmologies?...


Misunderstanding, Misunderstanding, Misunderstanding…

...With these decided extra-ambitions, extra-mobilizations and extra-determinations, let us proceed in a prophetic and messianic rush and possible alienation, which by alienating us as a Species, and possibly as an individual, but this one can Re-Sapientize us into the same Sapiens, which is different and imperishable, recognizing our own temporality, as an ineluctable fragment of eternity, torn apart and withdrawn into our own frailties and vulnerabilities by the Sapient-into-Selfness...


Fragilities, Fragilities, Fragilities…

Through the present approach from SAPIENTOCHRISTIANITY REBUILD - 1, of the origins and evolutions of human religions, converging in a Sapientology of the SapientoHuman Species, an attempt is made to withdraw a conceptological ideal, a CAUSAL NOVUM in history that regards itself, a CAUSAL LOGOS in the conceptological that rethinks itself, through which the illuminative and the contemplative become their mutual chain of universe and becoming, of revelation and rationality, reborn within the same the endless diversities and complexities of the world...


Vulnerabilities, Vulnerabilities, Vulnerabilities…

In order to know ourselves better, we must face and confront ourselves, in knowledge and faith, in revelation and reason, as if intertwining them with our individualized and generalized self in the wise, to attack the very transfigurations that precede us, which presents and predestines us the futures of lights, mysteries and mythologies, all being substantiated in their very genesis and becoming, preserving itself, reviving itself and endlessly enriching the corollas of wonders of the sapient and post-sapient worlds...


Disasters, Disasters, Disasters…

...Further, more extensive, more deeper, we finally attempt an integration of Homo Religiosus into Homo Anthropos and Homo Sapiens, through which the monolithic duality of Evolution of Genus (Homo) and Species (Sapiens) will be anthropologized, sapientologized and theologized, in the same conceptual sense of differentiation and selection, in the same sense of evolutionary and creative uniqueness and singular unity and unitudness of Sapiens...


Troubles, Troubles, Troubles…

Also, we try to date the described events as accurately as possible, with their historical-geographic location and correlated with the personalities of the time in the Roman Empire, all in terms of credibility and truthfulness, conditions that were not fulfilled in the Old Testament, raising many question marks about the events related...


Plights, Plights, Plights…

As a conclusion in ANTHROPOSAPIENTIC THEOLOGISM, the final chapter will benefit from a VIDEOLOGIZED TEXT, with both scientific and religious pre-existences, as synthesis of EPISTEMOLOGICAL CHRISTIANITY, or CHRISTIANITY OF RATIONAL REVELATION, in which Science and Faith are intertwined in the human who has become a Sapient Human Being…


Critical History, Critical Sapiens, Critical Christianity…

These twelve apostles of crisis, these twelve angels of difficulties, these twelve preachers of fragilities, these twelve prophets of confusions, these twelve teachers of unrealities, these twelve sages of utopian history, these twelve soothsayers of endlessly plights, these twelve rhetoric of dys-stressing of humanity, all will be analysed in our set of classical books, of virtual books and video-books called SAPIENTOCHRISTIANITY REBUILD, with number one, two, three and perhaps, four…

It is useless to add, that Sapiens will confront, will face out the Sapiens itself, and Christianity will confront, will face out the Christianity itself, by putting in and putting out the whole conceptological battlefield of our pillars of action, of contemplation, of praying, and of rebuilding both of them, for the history and historiology of Sapiens, of Christianity and of SAPIENTO-CHRISTIANITY in its togetherness…

It is no need to emphasize that in order to alleviate, at least in part these dramatic developments in Sapiens and Christianity, primarily it is necessary to make an ENRICHMENT of Sapiens and Christianity, and this ENRICHMENT must change into a MOVEMENT, therefore an ENRICHMENT MOVEMENT / BEREICHERUNG BEWEGUNG, must be the uppermost goal of our radical endeavour in saving of what finally, could be saved!...

Sapientochristianity Rebuilder

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